As with the release of much better reinforced security measures taken by Google in regard to their internet integrity checking API the world-renowned new boss in town Google's SafetyNet; Magisk Root has never been this handy. With the methodological system-less rooting process the app provides its users, concealing root status from the SafetyNet integrity check has been made quite easy.
On top of the intricate security bypass feature, his tool also provides handy features that include android root management, a powerful system-less interface where when a user flashes a Magisk zip file in custom recoveries or have boot images patched in Magisk manager, it also can be installed in the system-less method.
This has actually become the official support method for installing Magisk root on an Android device and the system-less method installs the tool into a boot image's ramdisk CPIO which might require additional patching to device kernel.
The tool also offers access to a variety of Magisk Modules support for a large diversity of android devices and this feature is renowned for providing a service comparable to even the Xposed Framework. MagiskHide feature basically conceals the rooted status of a rooted android device. Which is a convenient feature for many users with android devices that are newly released and has newer versions of android running in them.
SuperSu, which was the dominant force when it came to root management in android root devices is now on a down-trodding path as the system-root method it uses to root devices does not work properly anymore and causes some apps to be blocked by the Google SAFETYNET integrity check. This is because SU roots the device by altering system partition files by adding new files to it.
This method proved real success until Android Marshmallow and its heightened security measures; changes to system partitions could be detected thus integrity check procedure will block any ap registered with even a hint of android rooting.
Magisk Root is the solution to this dilemma. What this tool does is, it makes the changes to the boot image which conceals the fact that the device has been rooted therefore, slips pass integrity check. The modifications Magisk Root does is virtually overlayed on top of all the original files and not actually touching the system partition files. What makes Magisk root even a better user-friendly app is that it is open source software, where you can view the tool source whereas SU is closed source.
Another great feature Magisk Root offers users is the Magisk Manager app allows its users to control root settings which makes it a great root brokering app catering to users needs as much as possible.
Magisk Manager is a repository for modules as well and they are installable mods that can be downloaded anytime and used to tweak a lot of cool features in the device. Some amazing mods include emoji replacements, RAM management and active edge customizations and many more. The Magisk mod repository is considered to provide an even better service than the powerful Xposed Framework.
Open Source : As the app is offered as 100% open source, it would be easy to build on all google supported platform providing great convenience.
Magic Mount : Modify system files without tampering the device system partitions.
Magisk Root : Root any android device with this tool.
MagiskHide : Magisk Hide feature hides from detections and conceals android root status of the device: Google SafetyNet, enterprise/bank system integrity checks and game tamper checks.
Resetprop : This feature can modify or delete any system properties, including read-only props.
Online Module Repo : Install a variety of Magisk Modules.
This tool after rooting restores access to financial apps and other apps such as Snapchat, Pokemon Go, Google Android pay and Netflix.It will also enable OTA updates and will enable the user to download Xposed Framework on their devices.
Magisk Root is updated frequently by its developer topjohnwu, therefore, runtime issues, bugs and compatibility errors reported are really low. Nevertheless, there are some pertaining bugs that require attention. Some of them are stated below for convenience.
[*]Confirmed bugs : Magisk root won't add files from a module with /system/product : Stable status on Canary but users on Mata (Essential PH-1) can't add files to /system/product. for more information on this bug, visit the thread.
For more information regarding this, check issues thread here.
Root device and install TWRP recovery in the case of not using an initially rooted device otherwise proceed to install Magisk manager/ Magisk Root.
To root device with this tool, flash the zip file of it and then install the app on the device.
Download the Magisk installer zip and reboot to custom recovery.
Flash the zip and reboot then check whether Magisk Manager is installed. In the case, if it isn’t installed automatically, manually install the APK.
Installing Magisk WILL trip KNOX and installing it for the first time Demands a full data wipe and data backup before continuing.
Requires device bootloader to be unlocked prior to following the other instructions and Magisk will be installed to the recovery partition of your device.
After installing the tool, you can directly upgrade Magisk within Magisk Manager without an issue. [*]Important: Flashing in custom recovery is not supported currently for devices.
As many changes have been made to Samsung devices and some other models, important details of unlocking bootloader are given below and these are the notes of topjohnwu himself.
For more information on installation refer to this installation guide.
In the case of meeting with an issue related to the tool, it is advised to refer to the Magisk Troubleshoot wiki for better clarity. It will provide with all troubleshooting solutions and more insight on issues related to installation, uninstallation, update issues, root issues and other related issues that might occur for each working feature.
This tool is developed by topjohnwu ( the base work layered by Chainfire's SUperSU. He uses Chainfire's shell script codes and supolicy in old versions and his complete documentation of How -to- su.
His tool has managed to become more popular in its market and has surpassed its competitive counter-parts because the features the app gives the users deemed to be an extremely convenient hub.
It is extremely important that the user should never try to restore the three images vbmeta, boot and recovery back to stock as this will guarantee a bricked device which will require Odin for a factory reset to restore the device.
It is important that the user understands they should back up all their personal device data before starting any process related to rooting and so forth. In the case of risks that are liable to surface itself due to user negligence, other parties will not be responsible for user irresponsibility. Thus it is advised users carry on through with extreme caution especially when rooting the device.